
Showing posts from April, 2020

Friend Dream: Self Defense Assault; Baring an Army

Dream- white supremacist take over: I’m in a building, with a few other guys like we’re waiting for something (friends I’ll assume) when something seems wrong. We see a man rush in dressed like a German solder carrying a sickle. We have a few bats laying around so we immediately try to defend ourselves, a few more German dresses men emerge also armed with sickles. Guys are getting beaten, losing limbs and hands, maybe a few dead. Then the men leave. No cause or reason. Then I’m warned by someone left in the group that they would be back. (I have not yet learned that the men are white supremacist) We try to watch and hid to prepare for another attack. I’m in a concrete room, no door, large entrance, empty. I peer around the corner and see the guy again, the first guy we saw last time, young and quite attractive. He’s heading for my room, I don’t know that he’s seen me but as he passes the threshold I grab his sickle (in his right hand) and manage to cut his hand off. He exclaims and I...

Militia and the Hotel Quarantine.

[Dictated] A legitimate quarantine dream where I was in a hotel bar and outside of the hotel there were lots of soldiers and they had masks that were almost very similar to TV screens and there was a camera on the top left of the TV screen so they could see. Almost like a WebCam if they were looking at you. Some of them are cracked some of them are blurred and chipped. They all had guns and full-body uniform is kind of like what I remember the soldiers from half-life to have on. Actually, probably very influenced by the final fantasy seven remake, Shinra soldiers. In that hotel I was still working at a Gamestop or something like it, and we were getting a lot of phone calls from those soldiers and we would be barely able to understand what they were saying because they were speaking through those masks and those helmets. I remember one of the soldiers, after I was leaving at one point, saw me and I heard him say something (it sounded almost like it was a faraway television program). H...