
Showing posts from October, 2022

New Norman Reedus Show On FOX

 Dude in my dream i was watching.a show that was so dope lol. It was about a town and it was basically being taken over by people with big money who started moving in once this big industrial company moved into town and built a complex there. But they were mostly into the political/bureaucratic aspect of it but it was their KIDS who the show focused on who were like bw 12-16 and they were terrorizing the town. They were like no rules, had guns, stole from the small grocery store… basically rich kids but the most ratcheted up version of it.  Norman Reedus was a local of the town for a long time and basically took no shit from the kids talked shit to them, etc., threw them out of stores when they were being pieces of shit. His daughter same age as the kids had to drop out of school bc they fucked with her bc of him the worst. At one point, he has one of the cars that would joy ride around the town towed and has it parked on his property next to his house. One night like 6-7 kids...