New Norman Reedus Show On FOX

 Dude in my dream i was watching.a show that was so dope lol. It was about a town and it was basically being taken over by people with big money who started moving in once this big industrial company moved into town and built a complex there. But they were mostly into the political/bureaucratic aspect of it but it was their KIDS who the show focused on who were like bw 12-16 and they were terrorizing the town. They were like no rules, had guns, stole from the small grocery store… basically rich kids but the most ratcheted up version of it. 

Norman Reedus was a local of the town for a long time and basically took no shit from the kids talked shit to them, etc., threw them out of stores when they were being pieces of shit. His daughter same age as the kids had to drop out of school bc they fucked with her bc of him the worst. At one point, he has one of the cars that would joy ride around the town towed and has it parked on his property next to his house. One night like 6-7 kids come to his house hoping to fuck with the daughter and they’re screaming like “come out you bitch” screaming like banshees.. it starts to be a little more like a dream here. But just for that moment, at that point it felt like a hallucination. He’s sitting in the car beside the house and he sees them but they don’t see him so they’re banging on the door and shit and she never answers but one kid notices the car and they all come over but they still (somehow) don’t see him. One kid tries to sit in the driver seat and Reedus (the show in first person now, we’re Reedus) wrestles the kid out and is basically fucking with them, not being violent per say, but saying stay off my property leave my daughter alone, etc. and one of the kids pulls a gun out like a little pistol. 

We/he wrestles the gun immediately and you can feel it in your hand, grabbing the barrel and turning it away from us, and the kid lets out a shot and the volume drops out except for just our voice and everything is dark except foe you/us and the kid like we’re floating in space and we turn the gun on the kid’s head and wrap our hand around the kid’s hand and we make him shoot himself!

The show no joke goes to a commercial and the commercial is for a new experience on Fox and the show is called Al Terego (not this show but a different show) where it looks almost like Animal Crossing but you’re in a creepy spooky mansion kind of like hell. But you’re in different rooms of a house and you can interact with so many different elements of the room and move things around and get different things to happen based on what you do, so if you move the deer hunting trophy into the TV, the room turns red (like Control) and the deer comes out of the TV and it’s covered in blood and walks through the room and you can pet it?

But the show comes back after commercials and now Reedus is in JAIL. IN THE DREAM, i texted dave like “dude this show had the best jail scene of all time”. So norman reedus is zoomed in on but as the camera pans back, he’s an infant sized body in fetal position and he’s laying on the chest of Stephen Root (who is apparently playing his father) and the father is cradling the baby looking terrified. The camera one shot goes to the back of the jail cell and it’s a huge Fat Joe looking dude holding a massive like philly cheesesteak sandwich and he slams it to the ground and says “chop steak taste like SHIT today” and it bounces off the floor in a huge mess but stays floating a foot above the ground and the lighting has gradually turned orange all through the room like emergency lights and Fat Joe turns to his cell mate and says “How’s Doggie’s throw up?” We don’t get the answer bc the camera fast-pans (still one-shot) over to a guy whose fans turns into like almost a mini golf clown face and he pulls a can of Pringles up and tries to eat them but it won’t open so he eats the entire can that stretches and bends into his mouth in a poor looking CGI and the world has gotten more and more orange to the point where it almost has deteriorated to, like, the emergency weather alert, old VHS looking tracking screen and audio but you can hear dialog still coming out but no idea what is being said and it zooms out a bit more and it zooms out from Reedus’ pupil and he’s aying on his side in fetal position with the kid’s blood still all over his body and face and the sound of the prisoners laughing and talking still carries on in the destroyed audio. Then i woke up.


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