Steve Carell’s Home Town Diner.

DREAM: Went to Steve Carell’s hometown diner where all of his friends work or eat and ended up making friends with all of them and got into a friendship with Corin Nemec. When I went to write down my phone number so he could call me after I went back home, I couldn’t find a blank piece of paper anywhere so I peeled a ton of stickers off of this one page and started writing on the paper there. But my numbers keptnlooking like scribbles. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t legibly write my phone number. I started writing it in red marker on my arm and I said I’d send it to him but I didn’t have his phone number. 

The hotel room was budget with thin carpet. Our switch games were everywhere. There were jumping spiders in the closet, tons of them, and when I weren’t through the closet to close a window I came out completely covered in them. A flying bat wearing a foam coozy flapped around my trying to eat them. And a reddish golden retriever would only bark st me when I let it but would stand too close to me if I didn’t. 

When it was time to leave I wasn’t packed and all my clothes were everywhere. I yelled out the door to Steve Carell “I’m not even packed bro!” but the bus pulled away. I assumed I’d be stuck there forever. Trying to pack the small bag I brought felt like I was packing up a room I’d lived in for years. Always a new scattered item somewhere. While I was packing someone came in the room and said “put the call in” and then saw me and walked out saying “cancel cancel cancel” and as I looked out another window into a downstairs courtyard a group of 5 guys, one on the phone, started running and scattering like they were in a Jason Bourne movie. 


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