Flood of Consumers.

In a darkened store at 9am, barely able to see. Preparing the store to open, deep metal music playing in the background. Customers continuously manipulating situations to get into the store. Picking the lock, coming out from under gates, holding the door open for other people. And the room is dark, so all i can see is dark silhouettes of people for the most part. I continue to say we open at 10. We open at 10, man. And then ignoring the people and the store gets more and more crowded. Asking me questions, waiting in a line that builds and lengthens and i continue to tell them “We open at 10.” My voice keeps getting deeper and more aggravated. My employees start coming in and clocking in before they are scheduled, and i “know” they will leave in 8 hours so there will be no one able to close the store. 


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