The Inventory.

Had a dream I was in an inventory at a Gamestop and a bunch of us were scanning. There was a point where I think I fell asleep while I was scanning but I don’t know whether or not people saw me fall asleep. I couldn’t find my scanner. I also found some candy and was eating it. It was little chocolate fun size bars. I was singing a song that, in my mind, was very obscure, something that wasn’t weird or strange but a song that I don't believe anyone else would know. Over time I started to realize that Chelsea was also singing it. And then found that she wasn’t the only one singing it, that it was coming out of speakers in a store next door. So I made an excuse that I had to scan something in the Hot Topic/Clair’s next door. I went over and the song is playing and it turns out that this song is a very popular song, similar to singing a Coldplay song or a U2 song and it altered my perspective of what I thought ‘obscure’ was.

I was in that store (and apparently had been scanning) in really dingy clothes. A tan hoodie and red sweat pants and as I was leaving two South Carolina style bros (duck boots, mossy oak camo clothes) laughed at me and asked their dad “hey can I talk to that” and I turned around and say “That?! Can I talk to THAT?!” And the dad held me back and started talking shit to his kids for a long time like “DONT talk to people like that, look at yourselves” and started putting them down talking a ton of shit about their lives and decisions and saying “oh you don’t like that do you?” And the whole store was listening and watching. And the kids were getting embarrassed and laid down on the floor. I think one died? But I helped one kid up and shook his hand and I took the hood off and was like “dude it’s cool I bet I could name a billion things we have in common” and we left the store.

I went outside and it was a mall and this same kid was driving a low-to-the-ground red car and had two girls in the back seat. He couldn’t control the car and drove up on the sidewalk and was going to crash headfirst into the wall behind me (and crush me). I jumped up and ran up the car and walked over it. And the car crashed but the kid was impressed that I was able to avoid being crushed and the two girls were like making “wow” faces in the car. And me and the kid were like ‘connected’ somehow because I finally was able to show him I wasn’t a total scrub/dirtbag in the store with hoodie and sweatpants on. 


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