The Terrible Thespian Roommate.
I lived in a house with a female roommate who was some kind of drama major or former theater kid and would only talk in transatlantic accent and discuss wine by calling it a “vintage”. She had friends over all the time and they would all be very similar to her, almost like Judy Funny’s entire crew of misfits and weirdos. I think we went to the movies with her friends and I sat down in a seat and could not tell if her friends started filling in the row around us or if they were other over the top fans of the movie we were going to see. I came home one day and she was dramatically descending the stairs on a wired landline phone, saying to the person on the other line, “i would far rather get wine drunk on fine bottled courage.” She was annoying, like some character from The Great Gatsby appearing in the 21st century and refusing to change any standard or inflection or understanding of the world. Justine and Kaleena came to the house and had to leave because she was annoying them so much.
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