In the Cavern, There is Chapúlba

 I was traveling a dead country with a girl. She was pregnant with a child, but the child was not her own. It was planted there by what we thought was a science organization that we believed was following us. We felt we were being trailed so we were staying in people's houses instead of checking into hotels or established places, though there weren't many to choose from at this point. The world was dying, lots of browned and dying trees and the light was more gold-hued, like cinematic early morning, but constantly. Gold flecks seemed to be in the air. Visions were tinted.

We were in a cave system, and we were going lower and lower and the girl had to rest so she sat up against a giant tree trunk that was petrified and was growing below ground. She kept sliding backwards, slowly as the tree seemed to be giving way, but we had become cornered by the team that was following us. We kept trying to squeeze lower and lower into our hiding place, to the point where she eventually started crawling underneath a space that was just the size of our bodies in a space below the rock. We couldn't lift our heads. We actually finally heard the scientists and the other organization in the same cavern that we were in and she started to ask, what was the name of the demon? What was the name of the demon?? Urgently. Like she was starting to remember something but needed to confirm it. I wasn't sure the name of the demon. I didn't know what the demon was, but I started to see visions of a curled fetus that looked like the type of worm that floats in tequila or the caterpillar of a luna moth. It was fat and had giant black eyes, it was the color of caramel and had tumors all over its body. 

"The demon's name is Chapúlba" a voice said from behind us, a child's voice, and a small person was crawling into the space headfirst. I was spider crawling backward away from him but I couldn't maneuver much, and I was somehow going backward quickly and wasn't being stopped or slowed by the girl who was supposed to be behind me. I lifted my feet and hands and spun myself around and saw that she was deflated, her eyes hollowed out and her mouth elongated the way that the neck in a stretched out t-shirt would look.

Behind her the crawlspace began to open up into a cavern and I saw an enormous version of the fetus I had just seen, almost human in form, lurched over, tumors even bigger, taking up the whole opening of the cavern, peering back over its shoulder at me like a hunchback and it was breathing extraordinarily fast, panting like a dog giving birth.  


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