The Wrong Beach.

 I was walking down a flight of stairs towards the beach. It was almost two stories tall and i started walking down them and ran into the back of a younger girl , maybe 13-16 years old. She kind of wasn’t paying attention and then started walking ahead at a slower pace and when i tried to walk past her she sped up. I started to feel like she thought i was following her so i started to slow down and then to stop and she mimicked my speed, almost wanting to stop but also not wanting me to pass her. I ended up walking at a regular pace and she walked into the same house i was going into, so i hesitated first but then went in. I realized the house i went into was not the house I thought it was and i started backtracking in my mind and started to suspect differences in not only the place i was but also the stairs i came down. Had they always been this steep? Had it always been on the beach? I had no clue at that moment where I came from. 


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