His Mother, The Nun

 It was very similar to stranger things. We were in a weird desert town and were with a little kid. i think cellphones aren't working or could be detected by “the nun” so we weren't using them. The kid we were with was able to shapeshift into a slug/crab thing but it wasn't a cool special power. That was  his natural form and his mother, the nun, found that very very special and he escaped her. He was on the run. you and i had him and had to leave everything behind and had no money but were wanted by the law. She caught up with us in a casino we were hiding out in. and we didn't know but a far aways off… he saw her and suddenly looked very scared whole grotesque face and he paused and far away we saw her and she saw him and she made long eye contact  with me and it felt eternal and timeless like i couldn't move and would never move again frozen in time them she screamed like SHE was terrified like a horrible scream

he turned into his original form and you followed him and we got separated. The nun chased after you guys but we lost sight of her. i was hiding and i found a broken casino machine that had all these quarters and i put them in my pockets so they were dragging me back and making a lot of noise and i couldn't find you guys

I imagined that you went into our car but I had the keys. i knew she found a police officer and said “have you seen my child” and showed a picture and i knew you were with the child so i was scared you would be found. I couldn't find you again. 

Then I had a small dream after that I was in my Levittown house and your dad came looking for you. He was stone cold steve austin and he kicked my front door down off its hinge. i tried putting the door bCk on the hinges but the bottom pin broke off so the door clattered in the wind and he could come to my house whenever he wanted and i would hide and he would go room to room looking for me and the only way he couldn't see me is if i played “his band’s music”


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